Whether your organization needs a chief artificial intelligence (AI) officer is a topic where there have been differences of opinions. However, the primary idea is to have someone who heads or leads the AI initiatives across the organization. The designation could be chief AI officer, Vice-president (VP) – AI research, Chief Analytics Officer, Chief Data Officer, AI COE Head or maybe, Chief Data Scientist etc. One must understand that building AI/machine learning models and deploying them in production is just one part of the whole story. Aspects related to AI governance (ethical AI), automation of AI/ML pipeline, infrastructure management vis-a-vis usage of cloud services, unique project implementation methodologies etc., become of prime importance once you are done with the hiring of data scientists for building the models. This is where one would need a person who leads the different AI initiatives such as the one mentioned above.
Read further details on this page: https://vitalflux.com/job-description-chief-artificial-intelligence-officer/
Here is a related diagram representing the job responsibilities of a Chief AI Officer
Read further details on this page: https://vitalflux.com/job-description-chief-artificial-intelligence-officer/
Here is a related diagram representing the job responsibilities of a Chief AI Officer